pc Jesus Santos Photography, mua Bisi Crystal Eyez

pc Jesus Santos Photography, mua Bisi Crystal Eyez

Skin Care is a part of Self Care. Caring for yourself from the inside out is vital for your overall health. Glowing skin represents the glow you feel from the inside out. We all  have experience a very devastating winter and our bodies have taken its toll. Our skin is our protector of what is within. Let’s care for our shield of protection accordingly. I have a few TIPS that are tried and true and simple remedies that work. 

Begin to apply these tips 60 days out from Wedding Day your skin will be Radiant. Skin Care for Men is as critical as it is for Women. You have invested in a Professional Photographer for Wedding Day. Looking your best for images that will last beyond your life span is important. 



A natural resource that we often take for granted. An inexpensive cleanser that quenches our thirst better than any other beverage. Water provides moisture for our skin and our internal organs. If our internal organs are functioning properly guess what, our skin will reap the benefits. Drinking a gallon of water a day is the ultimate goal. But, you can start slow. Eliminate sugary beverages and replace with water. I begin each day with hot water and lemon. A nice wake-up for your body before or after a work-out. 


Find a skin-care regiment that is right for your skin type. Cleansing your face in the morning and evening is important. Apply a moisturizer and massage it into the skin. Facial rollers are effective for wakening the skin and blood circulation in your face and neck. Men cleansers are beneficial to you as well. Placing the roller in the freezer before application helps to remove puffiness in the skin. Apply a toner to even out the chemical balance of the skin. 

Body Ody Ody 

Men and Women - Over all body skin care is important. Body scrubs are good for removing dead skin cells that live on top of our skin. After you shower or bath use a good body scrub. Rub and massage the scrub all over your skin. Rinse with warm water and pat your skin dry. Apply a good moisturizing lotion or body oil all over your skin. Do not forget your feet. This is extremely important for African American skin. Your skin will feel so soft and good. Our body depletes moisture everyday. Let’s practice giving it what it needs to shine and glow. 

Below are a few recommendations from my son and I that work for us. They are fairly inexpensive. Can be found Online.


Nivea Men Maximum Hydration, Deep Cleaning Face Scrub and Face Wash

Frederick Benjamin Men Skin Care line for Face and Beard


Caress facial soap

Nivea Cream for Moisturizer

Bee Cosmetics Organic Oil 

Body Ody Ody

Buttah Skin Care Products

Clinique Body Scrub


